Golden Radish Award

Hancock County School District’s Nutrition Department has proudly received the Golden Radish Award for the 2022-2023 school year, a prestigious recognition of their innovative farm-to-school initiatives. This award highlights their commitment to integrating fresh, local produce into school meals, enriching student nutrition through farm-fresh fruits and vegetables at both breakfast and lunch.

Fostering Local Farm Connections

Central to their success is the farm-to-school initiative, which supports local agriculture and educates students on sustainable eating. By connecting local farms directly with school cafeterias, the district ensures that students enjoy the freshest ingredients while learning about the origins of their food.

Engaging Students with Taste Testing

The district also employs taste testing strategies to involve students directly in the menu selection process, boosting their interest in healthy eating. This approach has led to higher meal participation rates and more enthusiastic feedback from students.

Impact and Inspiration

The Golden Radish Award not only honors the Nutrition Department for their current achievements but also sets a standard for nutritional innovation in educational settings nationwide. By pioneering such initiatives, they pave the way for a healthier future where school meals are both nutritious and educational.

By earning the Golden Radish Award, the Nutrition Department has redefined how students experience and value nutrition, promoting a healthier, more educated future generation.